Showing Deleted Google Reviews

Showing Deleted Google Reviews
Photo by ali barzegarahmadi / Unsplash

Any Google review has the option of being deleted. There's several reasons why a Google review may end up being deleted:

  • Whilst the author might have had a bad experience, perhaps they received a positive follow up that addressed their issues, and they no longer feel the need to have their negative review of your business showing on Google.
  • The author may have mistaken your company for another company. This can and does happen so it's always wise to ensure your company stands out from other companies perhaps with a similar name.
  • The review could violate Google's review policies for containing inappropriate content, being a spam and/or fake review and be taken down by Google themselves.

Whatever the reason a review ends up deleted, it could actually serve a purpose especially if, for example, it listed some legit issues that the author found at your business. Unfortunately, once a review is deleted on Google, there's no option to see them again, so you could be losing valid feedback that helps improve your business.

That's where Pulse can help because we retain deleted reviews. We don't show them by default and they aren't factored into the Pulse Score calculation, but we offer an option when viewing your reviews, to only show deleted ones.

The Pulse "Show Deleted Reviews" option

We retain Deleted reviews forever, so providing the review previously existed on Pulse and then gets removed from Google, it will still exist on Pulse for you to view.

We hope this new filter for reviews helps you out, especially if you find that your reviews often get deleted either by Google or the author themselves. You might just find some valuable feedback in them for you to action!